war von 2016 bis 2018 Chefredakteur von treffpunkteuropa. Zudem ist er Initiator von @EuropeElects. Er studiert Entwicklungsstudien in Halifax, Kanada. Zuvor studierte er Publizistik und Politikwissenschaften an der Universität Haifa, Israel, und an der Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz.
The WHO recently reported that measles cases spike globally. Compared to the previous year, the number of new infections had quadrupled in 2017: More than 20,000 people in Europe fell ill with measles, 35 of whom died, numerous late complications have since been observed – because of a disease which should have been eradicated a long time ago. What are the underlying reasons? Which obstacles do we have to overcome in Europe and which solutions are thinkable? With the anti-vax movement surging in the age of disinformation, The New Federalist would like to recall an interview conducted by our sister edition Treffpunkt Europa with Steffen Künzel, medical student in Bonn and founder of “Impf Dich – Get Vaccinated”, an initiative aimed at bolstering vaccination rates in Germany.
Dienstag 8. Januar 2019