Sarkozy should remember that bigger is better when talking about Turkey and the Constitution - commentaires Sarkozy should remember that bigger is better when talking about Turkey and the Constitution 2007-05-24T18:20:18Z 2007-05-24T18:20:18Z <p>To me personally the question of Turkey's entry in the EU is a fundamental question whether or not the EU can live up to its commitments expressed at numerous occasions in the past towards Turkey, it's commitment to real changes and reforms inside the current EU and its desire to become a true global player. Turkey needs to continue on the path of reform and do its part of the deal, but so does the EU. <strong>When talking about Turkey in the EU we musn't forget that we are talking of a different Turkey and a different EU than what we have today !</strong> But giving mixed or even false signals or stopping the entire negotiation process simply won't do any side any good.</p> Sarkozy should remember that bigger is better when talking about Turkey and the Constitution 2007-05-24T05:44:12Z 2007-05-24T05:44:12Z <p>Turkey not being in Europe I do not see how it could be excluded from it. It is now certain that this country will not join provided that there will be some referenda to ratify this and that they will fail as citizens do not accept Turkey as being European. The political situation there is an additional reason to be cautious about this issue. The wise way to choose is to negotiate right now a decent cooperation agreement with this country.</p> <p>I tend to agree with you obviously about the treaty we do need a democratic constitution. As we know it cannot be achieved right know because the enlargement process has gone too far already and the EU has lost any coherence, the path towards it may be a two-speed Europe. Trying to have a common institutional treaty for all member states is the guarantee that is will be weak and undemocratic.</p>