On Steiner’s « The Idea of Europe » - commentaires On Steiner's « The Idea of Europe » 2015-06-27T02:00:30Z https://mobile.taurillon.org/On-Steiner-s-The-Idea-of-Europe#comment21248 2015-06-27T02:00:30Z <p>Europe has lead the humanity in the last 300 years throgh a crucial phase of human evolution.the values engendered by renaissance and reformation are the bed rock of European civilization.It is however very clear that terms like preservation of cultural identity or civilisation hegemony come into vogue only due to a self centric and short sighted view. Civilisational identity like human identity are only like a small unrecognizable dot in the grand canvas of Human history. See the dots but appreciate the whole painting.THE WHOLE IS ALWAYS BIGGER THAN THE SUM OF THE DOTS.</p>