“What you see on fake news sites elsewhere in Europe, you see on public television in Hungary.”

An interview with Eszter Nagy, Secretary General of the Union of European Federalists, Hungary

, by Elias Mäkinen , Madelaine Pitt

“What you see on fake news sites elsewhere in Europe, you see on public television in Hungary.”
Viktor Orbán has a large majority in the Parliament, which he has used to push through controversial legisation. Photo credit: Elekes Andor

Eszter Nagy has breathed life into the Hungarian branch of the Union of European Federalists (UEF), an organisation which has close ties to the Young European Federalists (JEF) the parent organisation of this webzine.

In this interview, which took place in September 2019 in Budapest, she spoke to Madelaine Pitt about how deeply Hungarian society has been affected by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s regime.

In Part 1 of this interview, Eszter spoke about how the government has tightened its grip on power and how this has affected everyday life in Hungary.

In Part 2 of this interview, Eszter told us about how the government uses misinformation to bolster support for its regime.

A note from the interviewer: I had been travelling around Hungary for ten days when I met Eszter. I had enjoyed beautiful landscapes, stunning architecture, excellent food and the company of friendly and helpful people. I came away from the interview admiring Eszter’s hard work and courage, and convinced that the people of Hungary deserve a lot better than the Orbán regime.

With thanks to Elias Mäkinen for the production of the videos.

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